Tuesday, April 30, 2013

nashville part two.

part two of our trip:
*standing in the line around the corner for some Pancake Pantry.
*brooke and her swedish pancakes. delicious!
*a dragon in hillsboro.
*a little shopping and brooke in a book shop.
*sneaking into the hermitage (Andrew Jackson estate) just to see the grounds a little.
*pinkberry. not great..
*vanderbilt campus and broadway.
*a field of flowers on the way home. breathtaking. 
thanks nashville, you are wonderful.

Monday, April 29, 2013

mini trip to nashville. part one.

my sister agreed to take a little trip with me to nashville- so i packed my bags sunday night, brooke met me at my house and we were off!

here are a few things about our trip (part one):
-the drive to tennessee was so vibrant and green!
-we had the best bbq sandwich in the city at edley's. we were so in love we had it for dinner twice and i brought one home to jonas as a souvenir.
-we explored the capitol and realized nashville is one of the cleanest cities. unbelievable! 
-we found tulips, viewed some of the buildings and made a few people angry while driving in an unfamiliar area (i'm really sorry!)
-we picked up some wendy's frosties and the rest of the night was spent chatting and watching HGTV in the hotel room :)

i am so in love with nashville now. i have not seen the last of that city!

Friday, April 26, 2013

balloon glow.

 currently, in louisville, derby season is in full swing.
it is kind if a big deal here :)
we were pretty lucky to have the opportunity to go to the balloon glow with friends.
those hot air ballons are something.
Don't you think?
happy derby to you! 

Saturday, April 20, 2013


we had the best time at thunder over louisville. friends came to visit and we all packed into my SUV(with one person in the illegally in the back..hehe). we found a nice parking space  between my house and waterfront park, walked to dinner and after we headed to the firework show. we found ourselves on the roof of a parking garage, at some event that required a badge, but since we had come so late- we were VIP and got in for free :) it was a wonderful spot where we could see everything up close. ah, fireworks are so great! on the walk home, jimmy john's handed out free sandwiches and everyone was in a great mood.
tonight was a great memory to add to the books :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

photos from our life.

window into our living room with reflection of tree. oh! there is katze.
eating outside. yes.
trying on my wedding dress. we all do it..right?
watching this sweet little lady. she is the only child my cat will not run from.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

night running.

we took this photo right before we went running at night. we are trying to be more active, outside of being active at work. it was really fun. we did run..but then we started doing cartwheels are handstands :)
i am really out of shape and i know jonas hates driving everywhere, coming from a country where his lifestyle was extremely active. it's hard here in america, it really is..but we are trying!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

lunch date.

 today we walked to lunch. it was a gorgeous walk, i was so smitten with the flowers and the falling dogwood flower petals. the restaurant was right up my alley with large open windows, checkered tablecloths, lights above the outside patio, terracotta pots and amazing food. oh, and the company wasn't too bad either :) i have been waiting months to walk to lunch, i seriously daydreamed about the warm day that it would be possible...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

the 168th biggest city on EARTH.

i walked around the city today. i am a serious louisville lover. i ignore all the haters. it is beautiful :)
it was wonderful to take some time to record some sights i see regularly. i thought it wouldn't happen..ever.