^^friday we had a date night with pizza, ice cream and Home Alone. it is one excellent christmas movie :)
^^saturday i ran a 5K with these girls at Keeneland. it was a little cold but beautiful out there! we had breakfast and sat by a fireplace and we were still cold !
^^my niece hates when i have left hair in my brush (so does jonas). the two of them are the only ones that clean it. so she took some eyelash glue and made a beard. hilarious. i love that girl.^^i randomly got to have dinner with my dad saturday night. it was nice and he had my nephew. he was so tired, he would not wake up for chick fil a or Chuck E Cheese. love him.^^then we saw Catching Fire. it was so great. Jennifer Lawrence looked awesome, i wanted to steal some of her looks, but that would be ridiculous.