The weekend was so crazy. It started with a super busy day at work. Fridays are generally a busy day for us. Like clockwork. Luckily, they are really nice and still let me leave a little early to go to Nashville. My sister met me at work and we were on our way. It was so nice to talk to her and catch up for so many hours through the weekend. My nephew also went with us & he totally begged us to let him pee in a bottle during the long car ride. And no, it is not because I wouldn't pull over because I offered. He is silly but can really make you laugh. While we were at the Expo downtown to pick up our numbers for the race, we participated in some games and you had to sign up. My nephew's name is Rockwell and he used the alias "Pockwell". haha. I also have an alias sometimes "Melissa P. Fox". Here is Pockwell riding on a shoe (only phone photos here today):

^^Here we are with our race gear. Excited, hungry and nervous! We had Thai food at
The Smiling Elephant. by the way. Recommended but a little pricey.
^^We had a great laugh over this pic. I woke up at 4:45 people! So early.
^^My sister!
^^It was a beautiful day. Nashville is gorgeous!!
Just so you know: The marathon information said "leave your music at home!" because
they have live bands all over. yeah. basically i ran without
music. thanks guys. Also, this marathon is HUGE. So many people but the energy was amazing and all the supporters really get you through. My favorite were the guys with footie pajamas and fur coats dancing to rap music. Also, all the high fives! Nashville is like 40% hills, maybe more. I was not prepared. I trained in Louisville, it is flat. So I ended up with pain in my legs even though this normally doesn't happen to me, even on long runs. I was a little disappointed in the cost of this marathon but after crossing the finish line, it all felt so worth it! By the way, I ran every mile of my training. Reaching this goal was the best but now I have a desire for a full. oh no! ps- I am so proud of my sister. She ran through some health problems and totally rocked it. Also, I loved doing this with her!
^^Looking a little rough but we did it!