Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019!

We had two babies in tow for the Hungry Turkey race this year! We bundled them up for a brisk morning near the river. Zara did her kid dash first & then I walked the 5k and pushed both girls in the stroller. Jonas wanted to jog- I don't blame him- I wish I could have. Walking the 5k was harder than jogging ever was in the past- postpartum time is rough. Still, I had a great time chatting with Zara and staring at cute Eleanor in her hat. It may have taken so long to finish the course that they were out of all the donuts except plain but we are glad we did it! :: 

 We had two Thanksgiving meals- the first with my Dad's side of the family & the second with my siblings & our kids. It was all so delicious. Why yes, I did have to unbutton my pants by the end of the day. They also don't fit me right now anyway- wahhh! It was all worth it to have sweet Eleanor in suspenders. ::
 I love to watch Zara with her cousins. They have always made her feel so special! ::

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Eleanor- 3 Months!

I feel like I spend a lot of time staring at this tiny face, it never ever fails to make me smile. 
Happy 3 Months to Eleanor and her adorable face!

She voted for the first time with Mama::

She had a sick visit for a cough she has had. No RSV but it lasted such a long time! We were at the doctor for two hours that day. omg. ::
She holds her head up so well! ::
We tried the bumbo seat ! She likes to sit and watch me cook::

E had a big month- she started daycare. It is going well. I am so glad I have a daycare that I trust! I sure do miss her though. 

Her 3 month clothes are already snug and I have moved her into some 6 month stuff. Size 2 diapers. I am definitely not worried about her physical health. 

She only eats breast milk but I have to pump a lot because we are not always on the same schedule. I do nurse her at night and early morning but I miss nursing on demand. I am so tired of the pump and I have such a long time to go!

She gets very fussy every night around 9- she is only content during this time if we hold her while standing. The past couple days she has been extra fussy in the evenings- I suspect she may have started teething. We shall see. 

Eleanor is a very good sleeper through the night. She usually only wakes one time to nurse.

She is super smiley in the morning & I have never felt as happy as when I see that!

She will lay down sometimes and stare at her baby gym or mobile. Mostly she is always doing baby crunches to try and sit up. She gets very restless but we love to hold her anyway. 

She endures some hard knocks and fierce kisses from Zara and lots of high pitched "oh, look at Eleanor!" Zara still acts like a baby sometimes & experiences a little bit of jealousy but it is so much easier now than it was at the beginning. 

She is so attentive and loves when you talk to her or sing to her. 

She can grasp small toys and holds onto them for a while. She can turn but doesn't flip on her belly yet. I heard her laugh a tiny bit one day but she hasn't done that deep belly laugh yet.

These days are so hard but so precious. 

She loves to blow raspberries all the time! (is there not a better way to say this?) 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2019 Family Photos.

It can bring tears to your eyes to try and get a good photo of Zara. We managed a few nice snaps this year and we have enjoyed the easy parts of taking our photos with the tripod (no scheduled time, no worrying about our babies being upset and ruining the one chance you get, etc.)
I am so happy to see four of us in there now !