Saturday, March 28, 2020

Eleanor- 7 months!

Our (other) blue eyed baby angel is 7 months old! She continues to look exactly like Jonas & they are still rocking the same hair style :)

Eleanor is a busy, busy bee. She pulls and grabs everything- especially my hair & Zara's hair. She can stand and pull herself up. She loves to do this in her crib & while looking out the window from the couch.

She loves sitting in baths with Zara- they have the best time. I just keep a tight hold on her. 

Eleanor can sit unsupported but does not like to be set down so she will keep her legs as straight as she can to avoid it, so funny!

E has started moving to a crawling position & back to seated. She does get stuck on her belly sometimes & we have to come rescue her. She reaches and moves toward anything that looks interesting to her (which is everything so we keep small toys away).

She was scared of unfamiliar people for the first time this month & cried when they held her.

Nothing makes her laugh like Zara. Eleanor has quite the serious face until she sees her sister. We can also get her to belly laugh by tickling her. 

This girl and her food! Oh my! She may have started solids last month with maybe 2-3 tablespoons of baby food/ rice cereal & now enjoys mashed up bananas, potatoes with broccoli, rice cereal mixed with breast milk or baby food, bread, applesauce, anything/ everything. She eats a small bowl of food twice a day & enjoys trying tiny pieces of fruit or food that we are eating (& spitting it out a lot after she tries it too). She still has as much milk as ever and I have had a dip into my frozen milk supply to keep up with her demand. I was back on fenugreek & oatmama supplements for most of the month. 

Still no teeth which surprises me because a few months ago she really showed signs of teething & her doctor felt some coming through.

I love this age of interaction and new things but still being able to cuddle with her and look deep into her eyes. Eleanor is my therapy baby :)

She is in size 3 diapers & 6-12 month clothing.

She hates to be alone, even if you only have to go to the bathroom for a minute. It makes it so hard to get anything done. 

Ellie still does not sleep through the night but most of the time she only wakes up once for some milk & to be out of her bassinet and cuddled up with me. I don't mind that part :) She takes several short naps throughout the day & one 1-2 hour nap. I remember Zara sleeping so much more! 

For some reason, I am really missing when I was pregnant with her & that wonderful time spent dreaming of her. We love our Eleanor. I will always carry her with me. 

Her first passport photo! ::

Monday, March 23, 2020

Life with COVID-19 (Week One).

Even though we have been hearing about COVID-19 for a while, it felt far away. Hardly anyone was prepared for it to hit the United States so hard. Everything escalated quickly.
For me, the first week has been full of anxiety over what is to come.
I feel terror for our economy and those who no longer have an income.
& fear for the virus itself.
We have also had major upheaval at work & it is really stressing me out!
I am ready for havoc from COVID-19 to end.
I miss structure & "normal" life.

Through this sadness and difficulty I feel so lucky that I can still work. I would be freaking out if I could not. I am so sorry for everyone who is burdened financially and those struggling with their mental health who are really hurting from being away from others. My heart is hurting for the families coming into the funeral home who cannot have their loved ones around them and hear others tell them comforting words that they desperately need. I feels impossible sometimes.

The daycare and school were ordered to close, of course. Zara has had a hard time in the evenings for some reason. Jonas has been making fresh juice. We have a had a super messy house because Zara has been playing nonstop and getting everything out. My family has been healthy except for Eleanor and her eye. I thought she had pink eye but it cleared up and she was fine. We have been decorating for Spring, ordering takeout to support local businesses and stocking up on a few more groceries than normal.

Now that the weather is improving, we have been hanging out outside and taking a few walks.
Week one down!!

Monday, March 2, 2020

sunday love.

 my favorite things about this day:
cuddles with eleanor.
my two babies making each other laugh.
yummy food.
eleanor loving the swing for the first time (the same one Zara used as a baby).
playing tag, hide & seek and lion king with zara at the park.
zara asking over and over to take eleanor down the slide.
jonas teaching zara to ride a bike.