She says "mamamamamamama" all day long.
Eleanor loves to dance. It is hilarious! She shakes her head with so much passion.
Secret is out- she looks like Jonas, haha. More and more every day.
I am shocked that she isn't walking yet. E stands constantly & with perfect balance. I guess she needs a little more time to take a step though.
She has just started to clap and wave.
For some reason, she is obsessed with biting our noses. It makes her so happy.
E also tries to grad Zara's hair. She especially loves to do this while she is napping. She is already turning into that little sister.
She has gone back to daycare and it is going well. She cries when I drop her off and that makes me want to cry. But she is so excited to see me when I pick her up. She smiles and takes my face mask off for me.
Despite pumping as much as I ever have, I cannot make enough milk for Eleanor & had to start supplementing with formula. 50/50 breast milk/ formula.
E is always trying to get her little hands on whatever Zara is playing with. the drama!
She wears 6-12 month clothes & size 4 diapers.
E still doesn't like to be set down unless me or Jonas stay really close. Babies are always reminding me to be still. I spend a lot of time holding her. My favorite thing is when she tries to get in my lap while I am pumping. She is so content when she finally makes it.
E loves all the food! Apple slices, bread, bananas, baby food pouches, baked potatoes, rice. Seriously, anything. Mostly, she loves milk though.
I should probably try to sleep train her but I am too tired, ha. She still wakes up at least one time per night to eat and cuddle.
She is one sweet baby. She (mostly) just goes with the flow and she just wants to be close to us. I love her tiny, chubby hands. I love to see her smile at me when she is half asleep.