Tuesday, July 23, 2019

getting closer to baby/ 36 weeks.

I have shifted from doing a million home projects to focusing on my last days alone with Zara. We make a lot of cages for her lion figurines, watch shows together, I indulge her acting like a baby, having pool & zoo time & baking.
Of course, I have had lots of help too. Jonas takes Zara outside a lot to play in the sprinkler or baby pool. He can also be found changing all the pull ups, giving every bath and cleaning up the toys most of the time. Basically saving my sanity and my back after a long day. It has been wonderful to have someone spend time with her while I was distracted by baby preparation too. I feel slightly less guilty.

It has been quieter around here. In June we took a few trips & it has been nice to be home (except the days when our A/C went out. Thank goodness for my Dad who saved us and fixed it..twice).

Other things from July so far:
Jonas took a road trip with a big group of people to see his favorite soccer team play. I stayed home with Zara and a pizza.

Zara gave her first talk at church. She did a wonderful job!

We saw the new Lion King movie and have purchased several toys for her. We can't help it. She is living the Lion King life right now.

As for this 36 week thing- it is feeling real.

I have started to get pregnancy stretch marks for the first time. It seriously happened overnight. I have ordered expensive cream that claims to solve the problem- I am skeptical but would regret trying nothing. Although I was already using some intense body butter.

I have lots of pressure and it feels like she could just come out of there at any moment. I just hope she doesn't arrive before we have taken some family photos and I have finished some more cleaning.

I am extremely slow moving. So many parts of my body hurt.

& I have my last 3 Dr. appointments scheduled. Crazy!

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