Sunday, April 24, 2011

frohe ostern !

this weekend was full of family. on saturday, my sister had a little craft night with some dinner. her sister's came, our brother, his girlfriend and their kids. it was really fun and we made so much stuff with buttons. aren't these girls adorable? they are my half -sister's half -sister's. yes-modern family.  we have known each other for our whole lives & i plan on staying in touch always and forever.

my cousin, susan picked me up(car is not ready yet). then we went to my aunt pam's house in versailles, kentucky. there was plenty of yummy food, great company, catching up, an adorable, new nephew and thunderstorms. hello, spring. 
when i left my aunt's house, i got to go to another party! instead of mckinneys, the hamiltons ruled in number(my sister's in-laws). i know. too much family. try to keep up. or i should try to explain it better..
does it really matter that much though? it's all family, we all love the craziness.
and really, it was fun. we had more great food, more wonderful people and more great times.
there were reese eggs involved. amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you're back in the US! So jealous that you're in Kentucky though :/
